Saturday, January 4, 2014

Procrastination Takes Determination

I'm a procrastinator. I tend to make simple tasks much larger in my mind and then I avoid them like the plague until there's no possible escape. Unfortunately for me, everything I procrastinate about still weighs on me like a ton of bricks until I do it, and when I do, "it" usually only takes me a fraction of the time and effort that I expected.

There are several things I'm procrastinating about currently, which brings me to my next point about procrastinating -- it causes me to be extremely productive in anything else I can come up with. Busying myself with other tasks allows me to convince myself that I do in fact have more important things to accomplish before the "it."While pondering this concept, I came to the realization that procrastination takes a lot of determination, and so I should probably get some sort of award for this behavior.

Christmas break is almost over and I haven't graded my students' assignments from the last two weeks before the break started. I also need to do lesson planning for myself and for the substitute I will need when I'm in Haiti next week. Oh yeah, I'm going to Haiti next week. I'm very excited about this, and will elaborate on what I will be doing there in another post. There's a mountain of paperwork and bills I need to go through, but it's at the top of my things-to-procrastinate-about list.  I'm sure there are other things I'm procrastinating about, but I'm suppressing them for my sanity.

Since I was procrastinating, I got many other tasks around the house done. I washed a load of cloth diapers, I made the mint chocolate fudge, I spray painted some round tins that will contain said fudge, I installed a curtain rod in the nursery, folded and hung laundry, cleaned my bathroom, and the kitchen. This was all done in between taking care of my 3-month-old. I should definitely get an award.

Unrelated to procrastinating, my grandma invited me and my mom over for dinner and Scrabble. I lost. I also learned that my grandma plays a game of scrabble on her computer every night. She gave me a cheat sheet of all the two-letter words that are legal in Scrabble, so I'm feeling confident that I will improve.


  1. From one to another, bravo! You are not procrastinating, really. You are time-managing.
