Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Smell Like Mildew

I'm in the Fort Lauderdale airport once again, only 11 days since I was last here although I feel like it's been much longer. It will take me days to write about all the experiences I had, people's stories I heard, and all that I learned in Haiti and about Haiti, and I promise I will. 

At the moment I will just share with you how it feels to be a dirty traveler. I did my best to cram all my dirty clothes into a plastic bag inside my backpack, in a futile attempt to contain the odor. 

Unfortunately my backpack, as well as myself, reek of mildew, sweat, and dirt. I was able to shower throughout the trip, but my clothes went unwashed and the humidity was kind enough to share its dingy scent with all my garments. 

While I stood in the customs and border potrol line for two hours, I enjoyed listening to the elderly Hatian man behind me make jokes in Kreyol to our fellow travelers, which I can only assume involved the ratty, dirt-covered flip flops dangling from the back of my pack. I was glad to provide some entertainment. 

I had to go back through security, which meant I had to remove my shoes again, and try not to scatter dirt and gravel all over the floor in the process. I managed to do this fairly successfully, then arrived at my gate in time to wait four more hours for my flight to board. I killed some time on the phone, purchasing some Chapstick to battle the dry airport air, and ate a hamburger. 

To my utter delight, while pacing the terminal, I discovered that my flight was delayed by an hour, and then again by another hour. Although I'm being sarcastic, and I really would rather be home two or three hours sooner, my time in Haiti has reminded me of all that I have to be not just thankful for, but to rejoice for. Stay tuned for many pictures and posts about the trip, and get ready to laugh and cry. 

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